To all the feminists I will likely offend with my opinions in this post, I am sorry. Let me start by saying I am proud that women have stood up and fought for the rights that we are privelaged to today. As a woman I am thankful that I can work and earn an income for my family. I am proud to be able to vote, to drive, and to let my voice be heard. However, I really don't like the whole women are equal to men thing. When you start looking at the definition of equal it leads to the word same, which we all know women and men are clearly not the same. Aside from our physical differences their is scientific proof that our brains work differently. We each have our own areas of strength and weakness, and I accept that.
I am proud to be a woman and would not want to be a man, even if I had the chance. I have been married for sixteen years and have seen how myself and my husband handle a variety of life issues in our own ways. From solving money issues to raising our daughter, our opinions differ, sometimes greatly. When I have my moments of weakness my husbands strengths guide me through the rough patches and vice versa. We don't always see eye to eye, but a difference in perception can help to open ones self up to anothers views and cause you to think about something in a new way. This in my opinion creates personal growth.
Equal no, different yes. Different in wonderful ways. Now let me say this, do I think that a woman can do a "man's" job? Well if you mean that a woman can perform the same tasks that a man does in a specific job field, than my answer is yes. Does this mean that a man or woman does the job better? That is to be determined. It is not the sex of the person that makes him or her good at something, but the skill and knowledge that the individual poseses. So if a woman has greater knowledge and skill in a specified profession than her male counterpart, I believe she should be given pay that expresses this. If the man is the more knowledgable/skilled individual, than he would deserve the greater pay. But for any person male or female that does not get paid what is deserved for their knowledge and skill this is just wrong.
I wish people would quit trying to be seen as the same or equal to another. Instead each person male or female should simply strive to be their individual best in this life. Make goals, dream big and do the work to reach them. If you don't succeed in something don't find a person to blame your failure on. We live in a judgemental society. This is a fact. And a growing percentage of people want every word and action that others do to suit them. This is an unrealistic desire. We don't live in a dream world where everything that pleases you becomes yours through whining and complaining. Both the men and women of previous generations did the work and they made the sacrifices to acheive the life that they desired for themselves and for their families. This drive needs to be reignited amongst us.
I am a woman. I am not equal to or the same as a man. I am me. I have my own personal strengths and weaknesses. If I want to be a partner at a law firm, a brain surgeon, or the president I can't whine that I am a woman and it's harder for me to acheive such things. I do the work. I study hard and I do what it takes to make my dreams a reality. And when I get there I don't want to hear how awesome it is that I acheived it because I am a woman. I just want to hear that I didn't give up and did what it took to be where I am today. To all woman kind I say be proud to be you. And be the best you, that you can be. No one person is any greater or more special than another.
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