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Bacon Makes Your Clothes Fall Off

If you haven't heard of the Keto Diet you may be living under a rock. Keto is the newest craze that dieters across the US are flocking to. You will see Keto products on the shelves in the diet/nutrition section of your supermarket, as well as TV commercials for Keto weight loss shakes, meals, etc. It's not surprising that the Keto craze began, because the first things you hear about this diet are that you can eat all of the bacon, butter, and cheese you want. No calorie counting just eat bacon and fat and your clothes will fall off. So you are intrigued by this mouth watering offer and you start researching Keto. There are many websites, books, social media groups, and videos available at your finger tips. Many people share their before and after photos, which make your jaw drop. You can do this to if you just throw that bagel in the garbage and pick up that buttered bacon.

So of course this seems like the solution to my weight problem. I simply love to eat. And now I hear I can eat oodles and gobs of flavorful goodness and drop pounds. So I commit. I get rid of as many carb rich foods and sugar items as I can. I am doing the Keto diet, not my family. So I kept a few items for them. I start making Keto friendly versions of dinner for myself and "regular" versions for my family. I start losing pounds every couple days. This is a miracle. From 260 to 250 in the first few weeks. I hit 249 in February and start to add some cheat foods. Gluten free chocolate chip cookies on Valentines day. I eat chocolate at Easter and dinner rolls. Shame on me, it's the carb creep. Back on track in April the numbers on the scale go down again. I'm 243 by April and 241 in May. And I hit 239 in June.

 Now your strict Keto dieters show extreme weight loss and much more impressive numbers than me. But I am a late night snacker. I have always eaten whehter I am hungry or not hungry. Never mattered to me. Food is there, I want it, I eat it. So trying to teach myself to eat when I am hungry is hard. Eating Keto food you often don't feel hungry. So I of course sit down to dinner with the family and eat, even if I am not hungry. Tricky right? But I am losing weight. From 260 to 239 isn't bad. My clothes fit better, my energy is up, and I am sleeping well. All non scale victories. I have had to learn that progress is not just the numbers on the scale.

So I have seen that the Keto diet can work for me. Even if I didn't lose 50 lbs in five months I am getting closer to my goal. I would really like to hit 199 by December 31 of this year. I have taken my weight loss efforts seriously. I bought a Keto for beginners cook book, MCT oil, Coconut oil, a fitness tracker, a food scale, and start logging my calories with the My Fitness Pal App. I bought indoor and outdoor sneakers for working out. I added an increase in weights for my workouts and am working on regularly, most days of the week. I am doing my part to lose this weight that has been plaguing me for years. And I feel really positive. So for those out there struggling to lose weight, don't give up. Trial and error can lead to success.


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