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Broken Hearted

My last post was created when my daughter was in a relationship and she had that strong hope that "he" was the one. I'll admit I even liked the kid. He seemed kind and level headed. He told me how much he cared for her and then suddenly he booked. He just ended their relationship and it was done like a puff of smoke. Needless to say my girl was heart broken. This young man said all the right words. Those powerful words that a young woman wants to hear. I love you and forever. How do you help to heal someones broken heart?

I have told her she is young and has many years to find the one. But I also understand what it is like to be a teenage girl. You have these romantic thoughts about finding your soul mate. I never dated that much as a teen. I was overweight, had an imperfect smile, and came from a home where money was scarce. I was far from popular and had my fair share of teasing. I had plenty of crushes which I didn't tell anyone. I never approached any of them. I had one boyfriend in high school, which I thought was the one. When it didn't work out I was sad but busied myself with other things until I dated another guy I thought was the one. He was far from it but I didn't know that at the time.

Knowing that you don't find Mr. right, right away I try to inform my daughter of this, but a young heart wants love and romance. I made the mistake of mentioning "him" one day and she burst into tears. I thought he was gone and she was moving forward. I felt like the worlds biggest jerk, though the hurt was unintentional. I avoid boyfriend talk. Trying to let a little healing happen. I can't say it enough, teen years are hard. Relationships are hard. I know this won't be the last heartache. It makes me look at every boy who pays interest and think I should just hit him with a stick now, because there will be tears down the road.

I hope that she does find that special guy when the time is right and not seek out a Mr. right now. Love is complex and long lasting relationships take work from both parties. I have sixteen years of marriage under my belt and I know relationships are not perfect. Mr. Forever is out there. Be patient. Love yourself. Live your life. Go after your dreams. Then when the right guy comes along you'll be ready for the love you long for. To all those healing from a broken heart, don't give up, but have patience. A rose doesn't bloom over night.


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