Now I have my blog with no real focus. What began as a work research project, transformed into an emotional release with my mom's battle with cancer and now it seems to be as lost as I am. What do I write about, parenting, health, womanhood, marriage, life in general? As a freelance writer I have so much information in my brain. There are bits and pieces about natural health, fitness and nutrition that I know, but seldom use for my own good. I am a mother of a bright, beautiful eleven year old who I swear is having mood swings. I fear womanhood is approaching and I find myself unprepared though I myself am a woman. I have been happily married for almost twelve years. We have been through the military, the Iraq war, PTSD, funerals and daily life. It has been a wild ride with so much left to share and experience. I could ramble on about how I have been mildly depressed since the loss of my mother and how alone you feel after both of your parents are gone from this earth. I could touch base on how my spirituality has been altered by life events, but I would fear to hurt others feelings or be judged for my personal beliefs. I am not quite sure where my blog will go from here. I do know however that I will not stop writing because I can't. I have written stories and journal entries since I was a young girl and it has grown into a a passionate, pure joy. There is nothing that frees my soul better than writing. A close second would be talking to my little sister, who always has a listening ear for life's ups and downs. For those who have read my blog, what would you like to read about? Let me know. Until then I wish all of my reader's a week filled with new experiences. They are their waiting for us, we often miss them because we are so distracted by routines. Take care friends!
This blog has been a variety of things since its creation. It started out as research for a job. Then became a personal journal. But I always enjoy using it to express myself and let out my opinion or emotions out and onto the virtual page. It has been too long since I used this outlet for my self, so here goes nothing. I have recently discovered that I am wandering through my life without a compass, map, or guide. I have spent the last 20 years of my life just wandering. I have had no real sense of purpose or direction and this never bothered me until now. It's like I woke up from a dream and was like where am I? I am approaching 40 years of age. I currently am a housewife and trying to accept the fact that my daughter is rapidly approaching adulthood. My husband is driven daily by his side business and my daughter is dreaming of traveling abroad in the near future. I personally feel lost. should I go back to work outside the home? I really have no desire to go back to school o...
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