Have you ever had one of those days where you just feel blah? Life is playing out in repeat and from the moment you open your eyes nothing feels quite so delightful. I know it's just a funk that may last a day or maybe more, but from my morning cup of coffee to starting up my computer I have just felt numb. Perhaps it is the fact that there is nothing new or refreshing going on currently or the cloudy skies outside of my window. I feel rather mopey and would like to curl up on the sofa and eat cookies as I watch a tear jerker film. I am happy in general as I have my health, home and a beautiful loving family. I believe it is just the little things in life that are adding up and riding on my shoulder. The bills, automobile and little annoyances are weighing me down. I know their are others out there who can relate. I want to say perk up and look at the bright side but I think it is part of a cycle of ups and downs that we all experience at times. The sun may shine at the end of the day or I may find something that makes me laugh hysterically. Tomorrow is a new day perhaps that something amazing will arrive then. Here's to wishful thinking for all of us feeling blah, may tomorrow bring what we are searching for.
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