I'm sure you've heard the phrase, " A picture is worth a thousand words". This phrase comes to mind when I look at a photo of myself from October of 2018. The photo was taken during Halloween and I had dressed as a gypsy. No offense to anyone who has a "gypsy" heritage/ancestry. Since I was young I have been fascinated by old movies featuring the typical gypsy fortune teller. And I have loved this image with all of its magic and mystique ever since. So I was so excited to dress up and hand out candy. I took a photo of my garb in all its glory. Then upon seeing this image I was instantly saddened at what appeared before my eyes. Look at this fat lady. My goodness how did I become so wide? I was horrified at my now scary costume. I have struggled on and off with weight gain since high school. I started putting on pounds in 7th grade. You can see that my face was becoming fuller in the school photos. I was a solid size 16 in ninth grade. I lost some weig...
This Blog is a simple outlet for sharing daily life with the rest of the world. Personal experiences from my point of view.Take life one day at a time, that's what I have learned and share with you.