I'm not sure when my passion for documentaries began, but I am officially hooked. I have watched films on food, shopping, religion and more. What I find myself going back to are films about what we eat in this country. It doesn't surprise me that we don't eat right or that we eat too much. What I am surprised to learn is what is in our food, where it comes from and the startling methods for which it is grown and produced. I just watched the documetary Food, Inc. (Available through Netflix instant watch)If you haven't seen it please do. It provides you with information about the how, what, when and why of what we eat in America. It is interesting, educational, frightening and it will wake you up. You will begin to read the labels, ask where those tomatoes that you bought in mid-winter came from. Especially if you have children. You cook a homemade meal that includes lean meat, vegetables, low fat, low sodium thinking you are doing something beneficial for your child. Yo...
This Blog is a simple outlet for sharing daily life with the rest of the world. Personal experiences from my point of view.Take life one day at a time, that's what I have learned and share with you.