With mom being diagnosed with terminal cancer and the preparations for the inevitable, life has been a little bit of a bitter pill to swallow. Strangers from Hospice coming and going and relatives searching for a last minute chance to visit have created a bit of a whirlwind lately. I am not complaining mind you. Hospice has been wonderful in explaining future events and aiding in preparations for the end of life. Mom is now in much less pain with her new meds and able to get out of bed more often. With so many stress inducing things going on I have not been reading some of my favorite blogs and just by chance I read my all time favorite from Kandee Johnson. And to my surprised eyes I see a beautiful photo of her pregnant belly. This instantly made me think of how amazing it is to carry another human being inside your body. To know you are nurturing this little person as anticipation grows for the day when you will meet him or her face to face. Life is unexpected and marvelous. The joy,...
This Blog is a simple outlet for sharing daily life with the rest of the world. Personal experiences from my point of view.Take life one day at a time, that's what I have learned and share with you.